Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Slice Of The Google Pie

A Slice Of The Google Pie
by Cameron White

Everyone knows that Google makes billions every year. The question is how can you get a slice of this rather big pie? The answer lies in linking people to other peoples websites.

The best part is that you don't even need your own website for this. When someone visits Google and clicks on your link, they will be directed to someone elses website. If they make a purchase from this website, you will earn up to a 75% commission on the sale.

It doesn't get any easier then that. The two questions I'm most commonly asked is where do I find websites to link to, and how to I get people to click on my links. The answer to the first question is to join Clickbanks Affiliate Network. This is free to do and provides thousands of websites to promote. Join Them Free At The Answer to the second question is to use Google Adwords. This is a powerful Google Program that allows you to place adverts on Google Search.

Try typing a keyword into Google. Notice the adverts on the right hand side? This is known as pay per click marketing and is one of the most powerful and cheapest forms of marketing on the internet. Advertisers bid on keywords to get their advert seen when customers search for a related topic. When people click on their advert, they pay the amount they bid. Lets say it's $0.10.

The people that click on these adverts are taken to a website. When they make a purchase, the advertisers earn up to 75% of the sale. Case Study: Lets assume you advertise a product selling guitar lessons. Everytime somone makes a purchase, you earn a commission of £29.95. You bid $0.10 per click to advertise on Google. You place your advert saying "Learn How To Play Guitar".

Let's say 100 people click on your advert. That will cost you $10. If only 4 out of 100 people make a purchase you will earn $119.80 less $10 you spent on advertising. Thats a $109.95 profit for simply placing one advert. Your advert runs on autopilot, once you have set it up.

Now imagine if you set up a few differnt adverts, each advertising a different product. You could soon be making a very decent income from adveritsing on Google. I hope I have opened your eyes to the possibily of making money with Google.

About the Author
For more information on making money visit:

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