Saturday, May 31, 2008

YOGA The MBA Project's Curriculum

The MBA Project's Curriculum

The Mind Body Awareness Project’s core curriculum blends 4 distinct yet complimentary aspects of self care and participatory wellness adapted specifically to high risk teen populations:
attention (MBSR/mindfulness meditation), authentic communication (council), embodiment (yoga), and challenge learning (ropes course)*. These interventions are drawn from ancient transformational practices that have proven to be ideal complements to traditional mental health services. They are designed to support the developmental needs of teens, to enhance emotional intelligence, and to optimize the innate potential of youth crossing the threshold into adulthood.

What We Teach


The practice of meditation is simply the practice of remembering, of returning to contact what is happening right now. In each moment, the future has not yet arrived and the past is already gone. Life occurs right on the “tip of this moment”. Mindfulness meditation is the practice of returning your attention to this present moment each time your mind wanders into thoughts of the past, or starts thinking about the future. It’s simply bringing your self back to this felt moment of life.
Each of our classes includes two 7-10 minute silent or guided meditation periods. The participants are taught how to sit still with their eyes closed and focus their attention on a single object. We teach basic mindfulness meditation based on breath, as well as related meditative techniques designed to bring awareness to specific qualities of experience.

This practice has many benefits:
•Increases attention span, strengthens concentration and capacity to focus
•Rejuvenates the mind through direct access to inner calm
•Promotes emotional intelligence through enhanced self awareness
•Provides a potent tool for stress reduction, anger management, and impulse control
•Increases ability to manage conflict with ease

The style of meditation we teach is called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, developed by MBA advisor Jon Kabat-Zinn.

What We Teach

Mindfulness (MBSR)

We call what we do “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” (MBSR). However, in actuality, MBSR goes far beyond what is commonly thought of as “stress reduction” and may be best described as tapping directly into the dimensions of human experience commonly described by words such as heart, spirit, soul, Tao, and dharma. In this way, MBSR can be thought of as a consciousness discipline: a profound spiritual discipline, aimed at deep self-reflection, self-knowledge, and liberation from confining views of self, others, and the world. Our articulation of the meditative principles and practices involved in MBSR attempts to uncover the universal dimensions of such disciplines and their applicability in modern society, and is independent of the ideological and cultural belief systems and religious frameworks out of which these meditative practices emerged, although it honors what is deepest and best in all the meditative traditions and attempts to embody the wisdom and compassion that underlie all of them.
Mindfulness is a way of learning to relate directly to whatever is happening in your life, a way of taking charge of your life, a way of doing something for yourself that no one else can do for you — consciously and systematically working with your own stress, pain, illness, and the challenges and demands of everyday life. The Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society (CFM) is an outgrowth of the Stress Reduction Clinic, founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. in 1979. Jon Kabat–Zinn is a current member of the MBA advisory board, his son is an outstanding MBA Project instructor.
The Stress Reduction Program has been featured in the Bill Moyer’s PBS documentary Healing and the Mind and in the book of the same title, on Oprah, NBC Dateline, ABC’s Chronicle, and in various national print media. It is also the subject of Jon Kabat-Zinn’s best-selling book, Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness (Delta, 1990) and Saki Santorelli’s book, Heal Thy Self: Lessons on Mindfulness in Medicine (Random House, 1999). Since its inception, more than 13,000 people have completed the eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program and learned how to use their innate resources and abilities to respond more effectively to stress, pain, and anger.

What We Teach


Yoga and meditation help to harness the energy of the mind so that the mind and body are united. Yoga literally means “to yoke the mind and body together”, so that your thoughts are not a thousand miles away from what your body is feeling and sensing. Yoga is a philosophy and discipline applied to the development of mind and body. Yoga practices consist of concentrated stretching based on prescribed sequences of body positions, or asanas. The movement patterns are coupled with bringing attention away from thinking and into the internal feeling space of the body, where breath is used to harness the mind and body together. The practitioner increases body awareness, posture, strength, flexibility, and calmness of spirit. Yoga and meditation invite you to be yourself and to embody yourself: to deepen authentic moment-to-moment contact with how it feels to be who you are, and what it feels like to be in your body. Each MBA class incorporates a period of yoga.

Some of the benefits are:
• Develops strength, flexibility, and coordination (physical)
• Can begin to unlock trauma stored in muscle memory (physical)
• Increases mental clarity, concentration, and focus (mental)
• Builds self-esteem and confidence through physical mastery (emotional)
• Provides direct access to mental and physical relaxation
• Provides practical tools to reduce stress

What We Teach

Challenge Learning

The boys’ Meditation and Yoga Intensive Program at Camp Glenwood has been partnering with the Challenge Learning Center for the past three years to offer the program’s students a daylong Challenge Day. This day occurs toward the end of the ten-class (the group meets once a week over ten weeks) program, and is a unique opportunity for the 8-10 participants to integrate and practice the tools and techniques they’ve been learning during the course. The day is off-site, and includes a morning of team and trust-building challenges and activities, followed by an afternoon on the high-ropes course. Meditation and yoga practice are incorporated at regular intervals throughout the day, helping the guys to reconnect more fully with themselves and bring a deeper sense of presence to the challenges at hand.
The Challenge Day is a fun, powerful and rewarding experience that presents the guys with both individual and group challenges that often push them to their personal and collective limits. Although the content and structure of the day is unlike the rest of their days in the camp or ‘on the outs’, the struggles and difficulties that arise here are very familiar. They must frequently confront their frustrations, fears, and potentially limiting beliefs about what is possible, while working within the confines of certain rules and structures. They must find creative ways to work together, genuinely support one another, and be true leaders, listeners, and teammates. They are highly dependent upon each other for both physical and emotional safety, as well as the chance for success. As they struggle to learn how to more skillfully relate to these experiences, there are many moments when it might seem easier to give up, or to give in to fear, anger, or apathy. These are the same internal challenges the guys are constantly grappling with in the midst of their everyday lives.
The meditation and yoga program introduces the guys to the simple (but not easy) and transformative tool of mindfulness in a variety of forms and practices. Presence, awareness, and attention are other words used to describe or understand what mindfulness is. By learning how to be more fully present and aware of what is happening in any given moment, by learning how to place one’s full attention on now (being mindful), there is the potential to make choices and take actions that bring more fulfillment and do less harm to oneself and others. In other words, when one can be more aware of the anger, or the fear (or whatever is arising), and be more present in the direct experience of it without simply reacting to and acting from it, other possibilities can emerge. Recognizing these other possibilities is in many ways the hallmark of the Challenge Day. The guys experience overcoming obstacles and adversities that are potentially limiting, to move through both the inner and outer difficulties with the support of their internal resources and the group as a whole. Invariably, their words during the day’s closing circle speak to their feelings of gratitude, accomplishment, pride, satisfaction, enjoyment, and a (re)discovered faith in their wonderful capacities as individuals and as a team.
·Builds self confidence
·Builds self trust as well as trust in others
·Mentally challenging activity that requires creativity, physical strength, stamina and focus

What We Teach


The Youth SpeakWe often begin and end our classes with a council session, a speaking and listening circle adapted from Native American ceremonial circles. In this format the teens sit in a circle where everyone can see everyone else. Council is formally opened with a dedication, during which a candle is lit to signify the formal beginning of the process. During council a ‘talking piece’ is passed around: whoever has the piece has the floor, and all other participants practice actively listening to them. The person with the talking piece is encouraged to speak in an unrehearsed way about what is true for them–either in relation to a specific topic, or to simply share what is on their heart and mind. We encourage participants to speak without an agenda, and with sincerity. When participants have the full attention of the group and the opportunity to express themselves in a confidential and explicitly non-judgemental environment, they often find themselves speaking about deeply personal matters. Each participant has the opportunity to speak his/her piece and be heard and acknowledged by the group. At the end of Council there is a closing dedication, and the candle is extinguished to signify the formal end of the circle.

Some of the benefits that this technique offers are:
•Develops empathetic listening skills
•Encourages a sense of group participation and belonging
•Creates a safe environment for honest personal sharing and exploration of difficult issues
•Promotes mutual respect among youth of diverse backgrounds
•Provides the opportunity for positive self-expression

For More information about Council, check out our Youth Speaks section.

The Mind Body Awareness Project

The Mind Body Awareness Project

The Mind Body Awareness Project is dedicated to the health and well-being of at-risk and incarcerated youth. We provide instruction in awareness-based techniques, including nonsectarian meditation and yoga, to facilitate mental health, stress reduction, anger management and self-discovery.

What if every young person was aware of their intrinsic value and dignity as a human being? What if they knew how to respond to life’s challenges with a calm, clear mind and an open heart? How different would our communities be? How different would our world be?
The Mind Body Awareness Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching essential life skills to at-risk youth through the practices of meditation and yoga. In juvenile halls, high schools, and group homes we meet teenagers whose habitual behaviors are leading them down a road to substance abuse, crime, and violence. Tragically, these young people are not being given any tools they can use to stop this dangerous and self-destructive momentum. The MBA Project was founded with the mission to teach youth life-saving skills they are not learning at school or in their homes. We teach them how to respond to violence with compassion, and how to reflect on a thought or emotion before taking action. Anchored in the values of compassion, integrity, and mutual respect we use time-honored practices from a variety of cultural backgrounds to help these youth reduce stress, manage anger, and avoid violence. There are no easy answers about how to address the challenges facing young people today, but we feel that the awareness practices we offer provide youth with invaluable resources.

A Slice Of The Google Pie

A Slice Of The Google Pie
by Cameron White

Everyone knows that Google makes billions every year. The question is how can you get a slice of this rather big pie? The answer lies in linking people to other peoples websites.

The best part is that you don't even need your own website for this. When someone visits Google and clicks on your link, they will be directed to someone elses website. If they make a purchase from this website, you will earn up to a 75% commission on the sale.

It doesn't get any easier then that. The two questions I'm most commonly asked is where do I find websites to link to, and how to I get people to click on my links. The answer to the first question is to join Clickbanks Affiliate Network. This is free to do and provides thousands of websites to promote. Join Them Free At The Answer to the second question is to use Google Adwords. This is a powerful Google Program that allows you to place adverts on Google Search.

Try typing a keyword into Google. Notice the adverts on the right hand side? This is known as pay per click marketing and is one of the most powerful and cheapest forms of marketing on the internet. Advertisers bid on keywords to get their advert seen when customers search for a related topic. When people click on their advert, they pay the amount they bid. Lets say it's $0.10.

The people that click on these adverts are taken to a website. When they make a purchase, the advertisers earn up to 75% of the sale. Case Study: Lets assume you advertise a product selling guitar lessons. Everytime somone makes a purchase, you earn a commission of £29.95. You bid $0.10 per click to advertise on Google. You place your advert saying "Learn How To Play Guitar".

Let's say 100 people click on your advert. That will cost you $10. If only 4 out of 100 people make a purchase you will earn $119.80 less $10 you spent on advertising. Thats a $109.95 profit for simply placing one advert. Your advert runs on autopilot, once you have set it up.

Now imagine if you set up a few differnt adverts, each advertising a different product. You could soon be making a very decent income from adveritsing on Google. I hope I have opened your eyes to the possibily of making money with Google.

About the Author
For more information on making money visit:

The 3 Best Website Traffic Sources

The 3 Best Website Traffic Sources
by: Jim Edwards Copyright 2005 Jim Edwards

Not a day goes by that any serious website owner doesn't wonder how to get more traffic to their site.

This intense desire to generate more clicks makes virtually any online entrepreneur easy prey to many of the traffic schemes and scams that pervade the Internet like conmen on a carnival midway.

Promises of fast traffic and big bucks often separate even the most savvy business person from their money because they want to believe the promises made by these traffic hucksters.

However, rather than thinking "complicated equals better" in the traffic game, the best website traffic sources rate extremely easy to separate from the useless garbage traffic.

Fact: "Good Traffic" equals "Targeted Traffic!"

That means the visitors come as a result of desire to find out more on a specific, niche topic, not as a result of "exit" traffic or membership in a "safe" list where members simply pitch each other in an incestuous spam fest.

Good traffic comes from people clicking links on topics targeted to their interests and getting directed to a website containing information they want and expect as a result of clicking the link.

Bottom line, when you get right down to it, the best, most dependable sources of targeted traffic come from links that people click.

So, next time you're considering spending money on a traffic source, understand that unless it involves a targeted link that a targeted visitor can click to get to your website, think twice before opening up your wallet.

To my knowledge, only three ways exist to get a link to your site: buy it, "voodoo" it, or grow it.

** Buy Links**

Buying links actually rates the fastest way to get traffic to your website.

You simply sign up for Google AdWords at or you open an account with

You then run ads with a link on those sites and any time someone clicks the link, you pay for the click through a relatively straightforward bidding process based on the popularity of the keyword.

You can also buy links in ezines, newsletters, and on other people's website either on a per-click basis, for a period of time (a week or month), or in exchange for paying them a commission if a sale gets made as a result of a click on the link.

** Linking "VoodDoo" **

Linking "voodoo" refers to attempting to manipulate the search engines into displaying links to your website.

You can find a large number of automated software programs online at any given time that will claim to help you get more search engine traffic.

Depending on the intensity of competition in a specific market and the fact that search engines change their rules frequently, pursuing search engine links this way can quickly turn into the online equivalent of Alice chasing the rabbit down the hole.

** Grow Links **

I personally prefer this method to get links to my websites: growing them.

The best type of link to get involves one person telling another person, either explicitly or implicitly, they should click the link and visit the site at the other end.

One way to do this is simply to exchange links with another site which targets the same audience as your site.

You can manage this process manually or use one of the many software packages that will mange the process for you.

A search on for "reciprocal link manager software" yields a good start.

The easiest way to grow a link is through using articles other people post on their websites which link back to your website.

The reason articles work so well for "growing" links involves the numerous ways in which articles get distributed online, each of which can create dozens, hundreds, even thousands of different links back to your website by publishing a single article.

In fact, the following represent only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the places you can grow links by publishing articles online.

~ Blogs - Your articles can not only appear on your own blog, but get posted by others on their blogs with surprising ease.

The links in these articles can point directly back to your website.

~ Article Directories - Article directories such as abound online.

They not only provide an easy way to display your articles to allow others to pick them up for posting on their websites, but also in and of themselves attract readers searching for content.

~ OPS (Other People's Sites) - Popular websites like attract repeat visitors by offering targeted content to their readers.

Since they can't produce all the content themselves, they publish articles created by others. Links from these sites can bring a steady stream of targeted visitors by giving you targeted exposure.

~ Ezines - By getting your articles published in other people's ezines, you can get a link on the most valuable real estate online, a targeted prospect's email "inbox."

Many ezine publishers run articles written by others to their targeted readers, and your link in the resource box can bring you a veritable avalanche of targeted site visitors when hundreds, even thousands of people receive your article at the same time.

Whether you choose to buy them, "voodoo" them, or grow them, getting targeted links to your site posted on the Internet represents the absolute best way to get steady traffic to your site.

Though not as fast as buying them or as exciting as trying to manipulate the search engines, growing links with articles gives you a long-term, dependable presence online.

About the author:
Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and co-author of an amazing program that teaches you how to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website, affiliate links, or blogs... without spending a dime on advertising!

Traffic Exchange Sites

Traffic Exchange Sites
by: Bryan Quinn

Traffic Exchange Sites are websites where you get page views of your own site in exchange for visiting others. Many such sites are available. However, choosing the right one or a combination of them can be a very time consuming process.

Basically there are two types. Manual surfing and Auto surfing. Some Traffic exchanges cater for Manual surfing only, some cater for Auto surfing only and some cater for both.

Manual surfing - This requires your input by clicking a button after a specified time period, generally 15, 20 or 30 seconds, although there are a few other variations. With manual surfing, the surfer is expected to view each site. However, with most exchange sites, it is possible to minimize or resize the windows. This defeats the purpose because it allows multiple sessions to be run simultaneously. On the better exchange sites, security measures are often used to deter this. These are normally random prompts that require user input. For example, after x number of page views, you may be required to enter a code, select a color or image or perform some other variation of this.

Auto surfing - This requires no input. However in reality, your input may be required because of popup or frame breakers. Some traffic exchange sites require that the pages run are maximized and although you can minimize the page yourself, it will automatically maximize at the next refresh. You will also find that with some exchange sites, pages will run on top whereas with others, pages will run quite happily underneath, allowing you to do what ever you like without ever viewing the page content.

Both manual and auto surfing will bring traffic to your website, but there is a much greater likelihood of your web pages being actually seen with manual surfing.

Credits - As well as surfing, credits are usually acquired for subscribing, for referrals and for any winnings associated with exchange site lotteries, games or competitions. These credits can then be used to increase the traffic to your site. Some exchange sites will also allow you to sell your credits to other members.

Free or Paid - The majority of Traffic Exchanges offer a paid option. This option may give you a better surf ratio, bonus credits, money for referrals or other benefits. Before paying however, it is important that you test how targeted the traffic is that you receive. There's no point in paying for extra traffic if it doesn't generate any more income for you. Web Site  Traffic Monitoring

Click for Credits or Buy Credits - Is it worth buying credits?
This can depend on a number of reasons. The two main ones are time and money.

Let’s take an example
At the time of writing the cost of 2000 credits for free members of a well known Traffic Exchange Site was $40. This works out at $0.02 a click. For pro members the same $40 bought 2200 credits.

With the number of clicks limited to 250 per day and page views of 20 seconds this means that in theory it will take you 250 X 20 = 5000 sec or 83 minutes 20 seconds to view the 250 pages. However in practice you must allow extra time for clicking the next button, clicking the title of the page you will be viewing and any sites worth looking at.

Since I am a firm believer in practical results, I viewed the 250 pages. It took me 2 hours and 12 minutes to accomplish this. During that time, I accumulated 854 credits. To buy these credits would have cost $17.08 as a free member and approximately $15.53 as a pro member. Allowing for rounding up, this equates to almost 390 credits per hour or $7.80 per hour cash value.

Now ask yourself this. Would you work for $7.80 per hour?

I must emphasize that this is only one example and that other results will differ because of the random allocation of credits. It is shown here only as an example and to give you an idea of the cost implications for one particular traffic exchange site. The cost of credits may differ dramatically for different exchange sites. If you buy or intend to buy credits from a traffic exchange site, you can apply what is shown in the example. There's no need to click on a large number of websites to find out if your exchange site is giving you enough credits for your money. A sample of around 20 sites should give you enough information to produce a rough value-for-money guide.

If you enjoy this sort of thing or want a break from train spotting, you could expand on this. Increase your sample size, increase the number of samples, select a good representation of traffic exchanges and tabulate your results. Choose enough sites and you will be able to create your own league table. There’s a market for everything.

Whether you use traffic exchange sites or not in the quest for more visitors to your site, you should at the very least know what they are and what they do. But don't totally dismiss them. They are part of an expanding market. I recommend that you try at least one traffic exchange site. You could read every book on the subject, but without active participation, you will not be qualified to comment on their worth or suitability. The time taken for a few mouse clicks is a small price to pay. If it works for you, you have learned. If it doesn't work for you, you have learned.

Website Traffic Analysis: Is Weblog Analysis Adequate?

Website Traffic Analysis: Is Weblog Analysis Adequate?

Summary : The Internet bubble may have burst, but Internet marketing is stronger than ever. Paid search engine advertisement is growing at a stratospheric rate of 25% per quarter (not per year). Internet sales are growing at a rate much faster than overall retail sales. The Amazon stock has nearly tripled in a year.

The Internet bubble may have burst, but Internet marketing is stronger than ever. Paid search engine advertisement is growing at a stratospheric rate of 25% per quarter (not per year). Internet sales are growing at a rate much faster than overall retail sales. The Amazon stock has nearly tripled in a year.

What is happening is that all organizations, even small ones, are realizing that Internet hype may have been overdone but the importance of Internet marketing is growing stronger every day. Internet marketing is all about bringing traffic to your web site, and then converting this traffic into achieving your strategic goals, be they selling goods, building awareness or delivering information.

In this context, understanding traffic to your website gains critical importance. Simple metrics such as counters or page views are totally inadequate in the marketing context. Marketing managers and small business owners need to know who is visiting, from where and when, why they are visiting and what they are doing when on the website. These are the 5Ws of Internet marketing.

Currently this type of analysis is being conducted in two ways: Weblog analysis and Tracking code analysis. The web logs are provided by Internet service providers, and there are both online and offline tools to conduct the analysis. Tracking code analyses are provided online by several providers such as Hit Box and Web Site Traffic Report.

Although both types of analyses are supposed to count the same thing (visitor actions on the website), there are technical differences that are subtle in scope, but significant in impact. Tracking code systems are generally more direct and more accurate. Further, tracking code systems are relatively so inexpensive (usually starting at $10/month) that every organization should investigate the value of their use. The cost of using inaccurate statistics far exceeds the minor cost of tracking code systems.

The table on the following page highlights the main technical differences between the two systems and their impact on the outcome.

Feature Weblog System Tracking Code System What does it mean?
HTML Frames: Often each webpage may have two to four or even more frames Often counts each frame as a page view. Page is only counted once. Serious over count with weblog analysis. A serious discrepancy.
Cached pages Many ISPs store many pages on proxy servers to improve performance. These are mostly not counted by weblog systems. Properly counts each as a page view. Undercount by weblog analysis. The seriousness of the undercount depends on the use of proxy servers.
IP address pools Many ISP have a pool of IP addresses that change over time and even during a session. Weblog systems are based on IP address and thus may over count users. Uses an internal session cache that does not rely on IP address. over count by weblog analysis can be significant.
False page views If the users quickly skip over pages even before the page is fully loaded, the weblog system count the skipped over page as a page view. The page view is not counted until the tracking code (usually at the bottom of the page) is loaded. over countby weblog systems can be significant.
Artificial traffic Scores of search engines spider the web every day. Any hit by the spiders is counted as a page view. The spidering is usually too quick to be recognized by the tracking code systems. As the number of search engines grows, the over count by weblog systems can be serious.
Placement of tracking code No impact. In some very slow systems, the tracking code at the end of the page may not be recognized before page change even when most of the page has been read. This is a relatively rare problem and is even of less significance with faster connections. Tracking code systems may yield a minor undercount, if any.

The analysis above clearly shows that tracking code systems provide better data that is the basis of all analysis.

All tracking code systems are not alike. Many produce scores of tables and charts, but the critical insights are lost in charts and graphs. We recommend Web Site Traffic Report ( where the key data is intuitively organized in a single report that is automatically emailed to the users every day while the users still have the options to go online at any time and conduct additional analyses.


A Step-By-Step Lesson On How to Change Your Guitar Strings

A Step-By-Step Lesson On How to Change Your Guitar Strings
By: Mark Lambie

Changing your guitar strings might make you feel a litte uncomfortable if you have never done it before, but it's really quite simple and should become a regular part of your guitar care routine. Before you do anything, first take time to make some personal observations such as:

1. Which way do you have to turn the tuning keys to tighten or loosen the strings?

2. How are the strings aligned from the nut to the bridge?

3. Which is the heaviest string (6)?

Taking mental notes will probably save you some frustration and make the job much easier.

Below you will find some helpful steps to follow for changing your strings. Once you've changed your guitar strings a couple of times your confidence should begin to grow and you won't need to refer to these steps any longer. I like to remove all of the guitar strings in order to give my guitar a thorough cleaning, but you can remove and replace them one at a time if you prefer.

Guitar Care and Maintenance Tools:

- Needle-nose Plyers (to cut string ends)
- String Winder
- Soft Cotton Cloth
- Guitar Cleaning Polish (do not use furniture polish, oils, or wax)


Acoustic Steel String Guitar:

1. Using the string winder , begin slowly loosening the string(s) until completely slack.

2. With the needle-nose plyers, carefully grab the string from the capstan (the part it winds around) and pull through the hole until it is free.

3. Taking the string winder again, use the cut-out at the end of it to grab the pin at the bridge. Gently pull the pin until it comes out of the hole.

4. Continue this process until all the strings are removed.

5. Clean guitar surface thoroughly.

Classic Nylon String Guitar:

Follow steps one and two above. When you come to step three, take your needle-nose plyers and carefully loosen the figure eight knot at the bridge. Pull the string free.

Electric Guitar:

Follow the same procedure as described for an acoustic steel string guitar. However, if you have an electric guitar with a movable bridge you may want to take it to your local music store and have them show you how to do it safely. If the bridge is moved from it's correct position you will not be able to tune your guitar after restringing it.


Acoustic Steel String Guitar:

1. Bend the ball end of the string slightly and place it inside the hole below the bridge. Some steel string guitars do not have pins. When this is the case, just pull the string throught the hole.

2. Line up the string with any grooves in the pin. Insert the pin into the hole, making sure it is secure.

3. Take the other end and insert into the hole on the capstan.

4. Pull the string through leaving a fair amount of slack between the capstan and the bridge.

5. Bend the string at the point it comes through the capstan to keep it secure.

6. Watching out for your eyes, begin turning the key with your left hand. Once you get it started it may be easier to use the string winder. (For safety reasons, you might want to cut off any excess string. I usually wait until after they're all on to do this).

7. As you are winding, apply some tension to the string with your right hand to help keep it taught. Make sure you are winding in the right direction! On the bass strings you will be winding counter-clockwise (away from you). On the treble strings you will go the opposite direction.

8. Continue to wind each string until all the slack is taken up. Do not worry about tuning yet.

9. Cut off all excess string length.

Classic Nylon String Guitar:

1. Put the string through the top of the hole found just below the bridge.

2. Pull about 3 inches through.

3. Bringing the string up over the tie block, pass it underneath itself at the original point of entry.

4. Come down over the tie block again and wrap the end of the string around itself in a figure eight type pattern.

5. Insert the other end of the string down through the hole on the capstan.

6. Wrap the string around the back and then underneath itself in order to secure it in place.

7. As described above, begin turning the key with your left hand while maintaining some tension with the other until all the slack is taken up. With a classical guitar you will wind clockwise on the bass strings and the treble strings.

8. Keep the string as straight as possible as it continues from the capstan through the nut and down onto the neck.

9. You should not have any excess string length, but if you do, cut it off.

Electric Guitar:

Follow the same procedure as described for the acoustic steel string guitar.

If you need help re-tuning your guitar please see my free guitar lesson which covers this subject in detail.

I hope you found this information to be helpful. Remember, establishing a good guitar care routine will insure many long years of musical fun and enjoyment!

About the Author
Kathy Unruh is a singer/songwriter and webmaster of ABC Learn Guitar. She has been writing songs and providing guitar lessons to students of all ages for over 20 years. For free guitar lessons, plus tips and resources on songwriting, recording and creating a music career, please visit:
Copyright Mark Lambie -" - Huge collection of free articles and free reports at .

Setting good goals

» Setting good goals
by: Wilma Keppel

Summary: Two methods for setting goals you're likely to achieve, and will like once you attain them.

Imagine you were shopping for a house, and told the realtor only this: "I do not want my house to have six rooms. It should not have a spiral staircase. And I hate stucco, so it shouldn't have that." What are the chances you'd get shown houses you wanted?

Sound silly? Lots of people set goals that way. "I want my wife to stop telling me what to do." When she stops nagging and starts talking about divorce, he keeps complaining. He achieved his goal, but it isn't what he wanted.

With goals that are vague or poorly thought out, it's easy to work hard to achieve an outcome that you dislike once you get it. Or you might succeed, but not notice that you did. Plenty of workaholics have that problem.

Societies make these mistakes too. Traffic jams make cars slower than the trolleys they replaced. Citizens overthrow oppressive governments, only to install worse ones. Automation reduces toil but throws millions out of work.

On the other hand, some people and groups do a great job of wanting things worth having, and getting what they want in ways that really work. This isn't magic. These people are doing something different that helps them succeed. You too can learn to set goals in ways that work.

What are goals?
A goal is simply an end result you want or choose to work toward. Some people distinguish between primary goals (what you want) and secondary goals (things you must do to create what you want).

Goals are most powerful when you love them passionately and they align with your values. Aligning your life, goals, actions, and values is one of the most powerful things you can do to achieve what you want.

Goal-setting is often a process of discovery. You may not know what you want. You may need to discover or create it, and you might change your mind along the way. Many people discover their deepest values late in life.

Effective goal-setting
Two methods of goal-setting work exceptionally well to help people get what they want and avoid problems. Holistic Management is a way of making better decisions that helps people achieve what they want more effectively. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a way for people to become highly effective in any context. From their separate roots in land management and personal growth, both discovered some of the same key aspects of effectiveness:

**Work toward goals, not away from problems.
**Monitor and correct course. Look for early-warning signs that you're off-course, and correct immediately. If what you do doesn't work, do something else.
**Think holistically. How does each action or change work in context and over time?

Particularly in the area of goal-setting, the NLP and HM approaches complement each other. They are fairly different in how they work and what they're intended to achieve. While NLP assumes multiple goals or objectives, HM sets one holistic goal or vision. HM also separates what you want from how you achieve it. NLP has them dance, each influencing the other until both the goal and the process of achieving it work as a whole.

NLP goal-setting
This process was developed by studying people who were good at setting and achieving goals, and who were happy with the outcomes they got. It works for outcomes of any size.

You may find it helpful to have another person walk you through the process. Explaining the details of your goal to them will uncover any parts that are vague, undefined, or problematic.

What do you want?
**State what you do want, not what you don't. If you don't want X, what do you want instead?
**Be specific. The better you understand how your goal will look, sound, and feel, the more likely you will make it exactly what you want, and the more resources your unconscious mind can muster to help you achieve it.
**Where, when, and with whom do you want your goal? It may be appropriate for some contexts, but not others. Mentally rehearse it to find out.
**What larger outcome is this part of? How does it fit into who you are and your major beliefs and values?
**What time-frames are involved?
**If you achieve your goal, what will that do for you? And what will having that do for you? Ask these questions several times to uncover what you really value. You might find there are better ways to get what you want than the one you had in mind.

How will you know when you achieve your goal?
**Be specific — what will you see, hear, and feel? What will you be doing, and what will others notice about you?
**How will you know you're moving toward your goal? What is a small but significant sign you're making progress? Sometimes people achieve a lot without noticing.
**How often will you check your progress?
**Is there more than one way to get what you want?

Is your goal achievable?
If someone else has done it, then in theory you can do it too. If you are the first, find out if it is possible. This may require doing it! Many important advances were considered "impossible" until someone achieved them, so other people's limits may not fit what you want to do. If your goal is impossible, you may be able to achieve the value of it in another way.
If the goal seems overwhelming, break it into smaller steps that seem doable.

Is achieving your goal within your control?
**Make sure your goal reflects things you can directly affect.
**If your goal involves other people, make sure it's about what you can do. You might want your bosses to act friendlier, but you don't control their behavior, feelings, or attitudes — they do. Since you do control yourself, you might (a) change your behavior in ways likely to encourage the bosses to behave the way you want, (b) change your attitude so their behavior bothers you less, (c) find a different job, or even (d) find a way to restructure the company so nobody is boss.
**What stops you from having what you want now?

Are the costs and consequences of achieving your goal acceptable?
**How will achieving your goal affect other areas of your life? Other people? Society and the environment?
**Will the results be worth the time, resources, and effort involved?
**What might be the benefits of not achieving your goal?
**How can you incorporate the good things about the present into your goal?
**Watch a mental movie of yourself achieving your goal. What do you notice from this outside perspective? Step into the experience as if it was happening right now — how is this different? Notice who will be affected when you achieve your goal, then experience your success from their point of view. What new information does that give you? Gandhi used this technique to prepare for negotiations — it helped him consider everyone's concerns and welfare.
**If you could achieve your goal now, would you take it? If not, revise it until it's what you want.

Do you have all the resources you need to achieve your goal?
**What resources do you already have to help you reach your goal? Resources include skills and training, information, attitude, internal emotional state, money, help or support from others, etc.
**What resources do you need, and how can you acquire them?
**What would have to be different for you to have your goal? Be specific.
**Do you want your goal enough to achieve it? If not, what would need to change for you to have that level of motivation?
**Is the first step to achieving your goal specific and achievable?
**What are you already doing to begin or achieve your goal?
**Imagine stepping into the future and having your goal fully. Look back and determine what steps were required to achieve the outcome now that you have it.

By checking your goal carefully, by experiencing it from multiple points of view and from several points in time, you get extra information to help you plan and proceed. You can catch and solve potential problems in your imagination, where it's fast and free. And by rehearsing the future so vividly, you help yourself create the results you want.

Holistic Management goal-setting
HM is a way of making decisions that are sound financially, socially, and environmentally. Goal-setting is just one step of a larger process that helps people think through what they do, keep on course, and achieve the results they want.

While NLP goal-setting works on goals of every size, in Holistic Management, you set one goal for each whole. A whole might be a company, company division, ranch, family, or individual. Or it might be a community, watershed, region, nation, or even international. It includes the key stakeholders and decision-makers, plus the resources they have available. Wholes can contain other wholes that have their own separate goals — an individual in a company or a farm in a region, for instance.

A blueprint for what you want
A holistic goal is a long-term, overall blueprint for what you want to create. It has three parts:

**Quality of life. State what is important to you. What do you value? Do you want security? Adventure? Good relationships with your family and community?
**Production. What do you need to produce to create and maintain the quality of life you want? Building good relationships with your family and community might require effective communication. Security might require a reliable income.
**Resource base. What will sustain production and your quality of life far into the future, and for future generations? Include your community, landscape, and resources (education, money, good reputation). Keeping your neighbors around might require economic viability and a healthy landscape that will help your community endure.

What, not how
A holistic goal includes only what people want, not how to get it.

**The best way to get what you want may change with time.
**You may have to experiment before you find a way that works.
**People argue far more over how to achieve goals than what those goals should be.

People in conflict almost always want similar things. Ranchers and environmentalists both want healthy, beautiful landscapes and sound economies that let them make good livings for their families. Palestinians and Jews both want peaceful communities to raise their children.

By leaving how out of the goal, people can concentrate on what they all want. Very often that's the key to resolving long-standing conflicts and finding a way forward that satisfies everybody.

Committing to the goal
The goal will work to the extent that the participants buy into it. This means that

**All the decision-makers need to participate in setting the goal. If the janitors make decisions that affect your company, they need to be part of the planning process.
**Keep adjusting the goal until it matches what everyone wants, and people buy into it and consider it theirs. This typically takes several years. As trust grows, people discover more about what they truly want and value.
**Readjust the goal as people's needs, enthusiasms, and priorities change.

Getting people to work together and set a goal is sometimes a long, arduous process, especially if they begin as enemies. It's tempting to shortchange this step, or try to impose a goal from the top. Don't do it! The people work that gets done at the beginning builds the foundation of understanding and trust needed for success. These resources for dealing with conflict can make trust-building easier.

If you absolutely can't get agreement about a goal, you or a group within the whole can set a temporary goal to work toward. Make sure you include as much as you can of the values and goals of the people who aren't participating yet. Then get those folks on board as soon as possible. Tony Tipton says, "I like having my 'enemies' in the planning group, because I learn the most from them and their concerns."

Testing actions and results
Once you form the goal, use it to test whether a particular action will take you toward or away from the results you want. For instance, a new job might pay better, but decrease your family's quality of life.

Sometimes I find it helpful to ignore my good intentions, and simply compare my behaviors and outcomes with my goals and values. Focusing on tangible outcomes helps me bypass any internal propaganda and make an accurate reality check. If I find incongruence, I adjust my behavior, values, or goal.

When people align their goals, values, and actions, amazing synergies often occur. Alignment often takes two or three years. At that point, people gain incredible energy and effectiveness, and move toward or achieve their goals very rapidly.

Setting goals holistically ensures that they are socially, financially, and ecologically sound, and that today's decision won't cause future harm.

Combining HM and NLP goal-setting
Holistic Management's strengths are its inclusiveness and a planning horizon broad enough to include people, money, land, and future generations. You use your holistic goal to test plans and evaluate results. "Will this proposed action take us toward our long-term vision, or away from it? Did the actions we already took work, or not?"

NLP's strengths are the extra information you get from checking and experiencing your goal from many different perspectives, and the process for test-driving your goal and the path that takes you there. You can fine-tune what you want and how to get it before you begin.

By using the NLP process to test-drive and improve your holistic goal, you can get the best of both worlds. You'll get to your goal more easily, you'll like it once you get it, and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that your goal is good for you, your community, the landscape you depend on, and future generations.

About the author:

Wilma Keppel is a certified NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Health Practitioner, and NLP developer. She took her first Holistic Management training in 1991.

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Friday, May 30, 2008

Internet Based Network Marketing Success

Internet Based Network Marketing Success
by: Lana Hampton

Internet based network marketing is a rewarding business for those who can do it right. However, Internet based network marketing can be as daunting to the beginner as to the more experienced in business, especially when considering the size and power of the Internet.

So Internet based network marketing is a potent recipe that can lead to your financial success. The secret to success in Internet based network marketing is a simple duplicable system that anyone can follow-- not just experienced networkers. This includes both online, offline and a combination of the two, for both part-time and full-time participants. PLUS a product you truly believe in. Armed with this combination, you are ready to take on the world.

However, there’s a downside to Internet based network marketing too, as with everything else! No sensible networker will ever advise you to rely 100% on the systems, and with very good reason. The systems assist you in every aspect of your business, but the power of network marketing only begins to multiply when you keep your downline growing too. This can only be done by building relationships with your team, no computer can do that!

Picking your core opportunity can be a very personal thing. You may have had previous experience in a particular industry for example, but eventually it will come down to one key decision - what you are selling or promoting. The secret here is to realize that every Internet based network marketing opportunity has three facets: Retailing, Customer Lead Marketing Plan, and Business Lead Marketing Plan.

Retailing is just focusing on selling a product to a customer to earn a commission. The Customer Lead Marketing Plan is a very powerful marketing plan since customers make the best distributors of products, because they have a personal story to tell. Although it is business builders that will make you the most money, every opportunity will have a marketing plan to follow up with your customers to convert them into business builders. The Business Lead Marketing Plan, on the other hand, is the same for every opportunity although not many people realize it! By learning basic network marketing techniques and perfecting them, it is then easy to share with your downline. This is the key to a successful network marketing business. You are in the people business; your core opportunity is just the vehicle.

So you see, Internet based network marketing is quite easy really, if you get the hang of it. This is your golden opportunity to build your own home business and be the master of your own destiny.

*You have permission to reprint what you just read. Use it in your ezine, at your website or in your newsletter. The only requirement is including the following footer with it...

About the author:
Lana Hampton builds her network marketing business online quickly and easily. To discover how to build your own successful online business, visit
. Reprinting this article is permitted with this footer included.

Network Marketing Internet Business Basics

Network Marketing Internet Business Basics
by: Lana Hampton

A network marketing Internet business is what millions of ordinary people are making extraordinary money from. You can too, but only if you put your mind to it. Come to think of it, a network marketing Internet business is no different from any other online business. The fundamentals are the same. What changes are the parameters. So what’s keeping you from running your own successful network marketing Internet business? Nothing! Just find a legit core opportunity and get going.

Going by definitions, a network marketing Internet business program, also known as "network" or "matrix" marketing, is a way of selling goods or services online through distributors. These programs typically promise that if you sign up as a distributor, you will receive commissions – for both your sales of the program’s goods or services and those of other people you recruit to join the distributors. Network marketing Internet business programs usually promise to pay commissions through two or more levels of recruits, known as the distributor's "downline."

Technology is rapidly changing the corporate world today, and network marketing businesses are no exception. Many network marketing Internet business companies make use of their web presence to enhance and accelerate the growth potential of their distributors.

Overwhelmed by the details of your new network marketing Internet business? Still struggling with them? Today there are so many companies, so many products, so much information and so many opportunities, it’s easy to get lost in the maze. Don’t panic. Just take them step by step.

The first, and most important thing, is picking the right company with the right product and the right system that suits your personal style, interest and skills. Take the time to understand and manage your sales tools, marketing systems and compensation plans. The next step is getting ready for all the hard work and sheer perseverence. Accept that you are not going to get rich overnight. No one does. Growing your network marketing Internet business knowledge and earning that subsequent success is a lifelong process.

Choose a product that you feel good about, and select one or two methods from your sales training manual. Utilize the power of the Internet. You can build distributor networks on a national or even a global level right from your home computer. Now isn’t that quite something?

Make it a point to keep the plan as simple as possible but no simpler. In other words, don't be unprepared, but don't also do too much. Just keep on working consistently and stay committed to your goal. Take it one step at a time and you'll get there.

* You have permission to reprint what you just read. Use it in your ezine, at your website or in your newsletter. The only requirement is including the following footer with it...

About the author:
Lana Hampton builds her network marketing business online quickly and easily. To discover how to build your own successful online business, visit . Reprinting this article is permitted with this footer included.

The Secrets of Corporate Blogging

The Secrets of Corporate Blogging
by: Karoline White

Web logs, popularly known as Blogs, have become one of the hottest communication tools on the Web. Offering the opportunity for anyone to create their own free Web site, encouraging opinions and interaction, Blogs provide forums for individuals to create their own highly personal presentations to the Web audience, and for consortia of all types to experience the sort of online community feeling that was pioneered by early newsgroups and by the phenomenal success of AOL in the 1990s.

Blogs have reached into the corporate and government sectors as well. A prominent federal magazine suggests that some company employees spend more time Blogging than on personal e-mail, an average of over an hour a day. What started out as an outlet for teenage expression and grassroots journalism has turned into a lucrative communications tool for small and large businesses alike.

General Motors’ Vice Chairman, Bob Lutz, turned to the company’s Blog when rumors surfaced about the discontinuation of the Pontiac and Buick brands. It became a means for a direct response, a way to talk to their consumers unfiltered.

Other companies such as Sun Microsystems and Microsoft are also recognizing the impact of Blogging in their relationships with their customers and employees. In an article dated June 5, 2005, The Washington Post proposed that there were more than 100 official corporate blogs in existence, with hundreds more on the horizon.

Although the a major newspaper called Blogging “ephemeral, fast-paced and scathingly opinionated,” blogs continue to grow steadily in the corporate world and companies are realizing their value.

Corporate Blogging

Internal Communication

Corporate Blogging refers to a company producing or supporting a blog that it uses to accomplish business objectives. A blog can serve many purposes in a corporate setting. Internally, a blog can be a forum for discussion about work-related issues. The informal atmosphere is encouraging to internal corporate communication. From small-scale discussions to virtual “town meetings,” in which employees at all levels feel that they can be heard, blogs promote collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Blogging can help establish a company or employee as an expert in their field. By posting information about a certain topic, a person exhibits their knowledge of the subject matter, setting himself up as an authority. People will come to equate the site and the author with that topic. This reputation for subject mastery and expertise can boost your sales and consumer opinion.

A blog can be an interactive addition to an intranet or e-mail newsletters. Since automatic update notification is possible on blogs, people are more likely to stay on top of the latest postings.

Public Communication

Blogs can be used to communicate to prospects, clients, employees and the media. Press releases and project updates can be posted, as well as job opportunities or information that the company wants to distribute outside of the normal news channels.

A blog can strengthen the bonds between the company and its customers. When a company presents itself honestly and transparently, it not only builds trust, but instills loyalty as well. Customers are more likely to work with a company they feel they know better than another. Blogs allow for that informal communication. They create good word-of-mouth among customers who don’t read the trade magazines or business pages. The nature of a blog fosters that image of transparency and openness for a company. Most people prefer companies who are honest in their dealings and frank about their issues. As seen in the media with the Dan Rather case, a blog can illuminate the truth through encouraging people to share what they know.

Blogging also reflects forward thinking. By staying current with the technological trends, you give your company a fresh image.

A blog can serve as a recruiting method. Interested job seekers can examine the company by reading its blog.

When testing a new product or service, a blog is an excellent place to give more detailed instructions or receive feedback.

Although, comments can be negative. Not everyone will agree with what is said on a blog. Instead of preventing them, welcome the constructive criticism and edit comments only to remove profanity and personal attacks.

The Down Side

There are some drawbacks to blogging. It is not a magic solution to your business needs. Many people feel that blogging popularity is much like the Internet in the 90's, a promise of money, but not necessarily delivery.

Blogging can lead to legal issues as well. Companies have real concerns about liability, exclusions and limitations, and indemnity. Although there are laws that protect against libel, misappropriations and other injuries suffered as a result of posts on the Web, companies can be held vicariously responsible for statements made by employees that are harmful to others.

In any medium where an employee is sharing information, there is the possibility of leaking trade secrets or financial information. Former Google employee Mark Jen was famously fired for gabbing about life at the company on his personal blog, not sanctioned by Google.

Like all essentially unfiltered communication, blogs can get personal. Many bloggers feel the need to discuss their personal lives as well as their professional ones. Companies must be careful not to stifle communications by keeping personal lives out of the workplace. By doing this, they risk closing down the lines of communication entirely.

Inevitably, a disgruntled employee may use this as an opportunity to badmouth the company. This is not limited to blogs, since an unhappy employee has a variety of mediums through which to vent his disapproval. Blogs just make it easy.

The content may not have enough substance to warrant or hold an audience. Some companies fill their blog with marketing fluff. People can see right through this and will most likely ignore the site. Blogs should be used for transparency, not shameless self-promotion.

Best Practices

Fine Print. Since there are so many legal issues surrounding blogs, it is imperative that the site has some sort of disclaimer and limitation of liability.

Know What You’re Doing. Senior management should be educated by the corporate communications and legal department about what blogs are and how they might affect business.

Create blogging policies. A company should have a list of policies regarding blogging to ensure that trade secrets are kept secret and personal lives do not become public. Policies may include keeping financial information from being posted, as well as severe consequences for anyone using the blog for negative publicity.

Avoid the Marketing Blog. Making your blog into a blatant marketing campaign is a bad idea. Customers are looking for real answers and honest opinions. They will pick up on insincerity instantly.

Keep It Fresh. Make content relevant and timely. Update the blog as often as possible with the most worthwhile news. This will encourage people to come back.

Reinforce the company’s core values. Then, make sure the content fits these values and supports the business strategy.

Encourage employees to use it, but remind them of the ramifications of their actions.

Free versus Paid Products

When creating a blog, there are hundreds of services and software from which to choose. The first decision to make is whether to go with a free service or pay for one.

For paid services, the cost varies depending on the features used. The basic hosting fee for a domain is anywhere from $5 to $15 a month. The domain name will need to be registered yearly, which can cost $5 to $35. This does not include the software, which may also have to be purchased.

While free services offer the basic necessities of blogging, paid services are usually more desirable since they have more to offer.

With a free service, the company offers a free site, but it may contain advertisements to offset the cost of maintenance. A paid site will not have any advertisements.

Most free services have a variety of templates to choose from for the look of the site, but paid services offer highly customizable designs.

In addition to the basic functions, paid blogs offer the ability to upload photos and images and tailor links on the site. They also offer better security and allow the creator to censor or control comments. Paid sites normally lead to a higher search engine ranking. They enable the creator to configure search output and there are fewer restrictions placed on paid sites.

Paid news aggregators will often keep a list of recently updated blogs and will rank them, showing new sites and newly added photo albums.

For a simple blog, any free service will do, but to get a truly customized and highly functioning product, it will take paying something for it.

RSS Feeds

With the rising popularity of blogs, it has become increasingly time-consuming to keep track of ones that are of interest. No one has time to check each and every favorite blog every day to search for new content. RSS feeds have become the solution.

RSS feeds are small XML files that contain a headline, date/time and description and link to information published on a blog. When used along with a feed reader, or news aggregator, they give an update on the newest content that has been added to a blogging site to a subscribed user.

RSS was developed in several different versions, each with a different meaning. RSS can stand for Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary or RDF Site Summary, depending on the version used. All versions do the same thing, though. They provide a summary of information. They send a blog’s highlights to subscribers instantly upon publication. RSS feeds save the user from having to visit the site for updates.

To receive RSS feed, a user must have a feed reader, also commonly referred to as a news aggregator. This can be software, a Web-based service, extension or built into a browser. It essentially takes the XML code and translates it into readable information. When the “update” button on the feed reader is clicked, it searches all of the subscribed sites’ RSS feed for new information.

Having a RSS feed greatly increases the traffic to a blogging site because it provides an easy way to keep an audience abreast of the latest developments. Once someone is a subscriber, he will continue to be involved in the site. RSS also makes it easier for someone to add a site as a link onto their own site.

Blogging inherently encourages communication and the transfer of ideas. Blogging lets businesses extend their reach and strengthen consumer loyalty, as well as get people talking about their product. It's a matter of perception, encouraging integrity and strengthing relationships in the corporate world. Blogging has become the trademark of forward thinking companies, willing to suffer a few stings in order to get to the benefits it has to offer.

About the author:
Karoline White is a Content Developer at Brook Group, a Web site design firm near Washington, DC. For more articles, visit For more information about the author, visit

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Blog Software for Your New Blog

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Blog Software for Your New Blog
by: Michael Turner

Choosing the right blog software for your new blog requires that you ask yourself some questions and make a list of all of the features and tools you need as well as your budget. Once you have this information written down you will be prepared to start shopping for blog software. However, keep in mind the following seven tips for choosing the best software for you.

Tip #1 Ping Updates
These allow you to update your blog and are very important in blog software. Make sure the blog software you are interested in provides automatic ping updates.

Tip #2 Comments
Whatever blog software you choose, you'll want to make sure that it has an area for comments from visitors. This will help you understand what is successful in your blog and what is not, as well as guide you in future blogs. This is a really great tool and should be part of your blog software.

Tip #3 Trackback
If you are discussing your blog on another blog, or simply adding information to another blog, trackback will allow you to update this information. This is a little confusing, but trackback allows you to talk on your blog about information on another blog and ping the writer of the other blog to let them know what is going on. Trackback is certainly a feature you want in your blog software.

Tip #4 Pingback
Pingback is similar to trackback, but it just sends a URL to the other blog to let them know you are talking about their blog on your blog. This is not used as much as trackback, but you will want a blog software that has at least one of these two functions.

Tip #5 Web-based
The point of a blog is you can post information instantly online, so you want your blog software to be similar to a word processor and web based without a shadow of a doubt.

Tip #6 Archiving
You want a blog software that supports archiving, and most of them do. The reason for this is you will want to save all of your past blogs by the date they were published and archiving allows you to do that.

Tip #7 Categorize
Another great tool you will want in your blog software is the ability to categorize. You want to keep your blogs organized and in categories, if you have them, so this option is really a great one for most bloggers.

There are lots of types of blog software available. You just need to do the research and compare what you find with what you need and then... start blogging!

About the author:
Michael Turner reveals step-by-step how you can increase search engine traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it now at

Why Blog?

Why Blog?
by: Jill Hart

It seems everyone these days is talking about blogging. Everywhere I go, I find articles and forums devoted to this craze. I also have heard from many moms who are trying to figure out what a blog is and how they can use one to their benefit.

The term “blog” is short for “weblog”, which just means an online journal or “log”. You can jot down personal thoughts and notes, post articles you’ve written or keep track of interesting websites you find. The sky is the limit, it seems, when it comes to blogging. A blog is something entirely of your own creation and you can use it to share your thoughts with the world, well….with anyone you can get to read it anyway.

One of the main debates going on about blogs is whether blogging can be done to improve Search Engine rankings for businesses or to create a buzz about business websites. Both of these can be true if the blog is used correctly. Many resources show that once a blog is created, many times it is listed in Search Engines within 48 hours. This was true of the blog I created for Christian Work at Home Moms.

These are many ways to create a blog. The easiest by far is to use one of the free tools available online, such as Google’s Blogger. You can create your blog for free using their online tools and templates(nothing to download). After you have created the blog, you can then publish your blog through them and “Wa-La” – your blog is posted online for the world to see.

Once you’ve created your blog, you will need to decide how you will use it. Will it be a personal blog, full of thoughts and comments for yourself alone or maybe your family? Or will it be a business blog, with articles and tips for potential customers? If you want your blog to be found by others, blogging experts recommend that you begin by setting the title and descriptions for your blog. These are similar to the the title and descriptions you set for your website. Try to make them meaningful because they are what people will see when your blog is returned in a Search Engine. If your description is simply “my blog”, you may not draw the attention you’d like.

If you are blogging in the hopes of attracting customers, make sure to use wise use of words and links in your blogs. Try to avoid the “click here” link. Instead, opt for links within descriptive sentences. Add the HTML link within the sentence and attach it to the words that are closely related to the page or site you are linking to. For example, to link to my website I would not use “click here” as my link. I would say, “Please visit Christian Work at Home Moms for home-based work resources” with the link within the text.

There are many ways to get your blog noticed outside of optimizing them for Search Engines. For instance, there are entire websites devoted to listing blogs dedicated to any topic that you can think of. One of the best such websites devoted to women-created blogs, is You can also use free tools such a to track the traffic on your blog and to create a dynamic title box that can be used to display your blog headlines on your website or even in your email signature. Each time you update your blog, these headlines are instantly updated.

There are many ways to use a blog for either personal or business use. If used correctly, a blog can be a terrific tool to inform potential customers of your business. Be sure to update your blog at least once a week so that the content remains fresh and you remain in the Search Engines.

About the Author
Jill Hart is the author/editor of Christian Work at Home Moms,
